How to: File setup and packaging

To print, we need your file with crop marks, bleed, and color profile in a readable format that can be sent to us electronically.

How to: Page setup

Minimum 1/8″ bleed
> Crop marks required
> Save as separate pages, not spreads
> Page counts in 4-page increments for saddle-stitch binding

How to: PDF

> Minimum image resolution: 200dpi.
> Maximum image resolution 300dpi.
> Image color profile typically CMYK GRACoL (other formats auto-converted)
> Minimum solid line weight:.25pt. Minimum screened line weight: 2pt.
> Minimum ink density 3% (visibility varies by color and paper)
> Maximum CMYK ink density 300%

How to: Package

> Use InDesign 'Package' function to include all supporting files
> Use Finder 'Compress' function for faster transmission.