How to make a print-ready PDF

You need the right compression, color profile, crops, and bleed

<h4>1</h4><h3>Open InDesign. From the 'File' menu, select 'Export'.</h4> <h4>2</h4><h3>Name your 'Save as' file, keeping the .pdf extension, and select where to save it.</h4> <h4>3</h4><h3>Select print profile. Make sure to select 'Pages' not 'Spreads'</h4> <h4>4</h4><h3>Check 'Compression' settings of the profile</h4> <h4>5</h4><h3>Check 'Marks and Bleed' settings. Make sure to check 'Use Document Bleed

       Settings' (from InDesign->File->Page Setup)</h4> <h4>6</h4><h3>Select output color profile: Typically GRACol for sheetfed and digital,

       SWOP for web press. </h4> <h4>7</h4><h3>Finished pdf is ready to print</h4>